The Profundity Of Eugene Robinson

The Washington Post/MSNBC opinionator, Eugene Robinson, has appeared here too many times to link. A few examples:

  • French Lessons (French riots prove multiculturalism works)
  • The “Bloody Shirt” Still Waves (change, schmange; the South is still evil, and always will be)
  • More (Unwitting) Wash. Post Black Humor (what’s funny is that Robinson wasn’t trying to be funny)
  • Keeping Obama On The Reservation (worried when Obama said maybe his daughters didn’t deserve preferences)
  • Robinson The Egalitarian (worried that “whites will not vote for Barack Obama because he’s black; and that blacks won’t vote for Obama because they’re afraid whites won’t vote for Obama because he’s black.”)
  • Sauce For The Goose? Glass House Rock Thrower? (“Eugene Robinson, who in all liklihood owes his regular appearances on the editorial pages of the Washington Post to affirmative action, regards Clarence Thomas’s presence on the Supreme Court as a good argument against affirmative action.”)
  • Black Diversity (“Eugene Robinson, the diverse Washington Post columnist,” believes blacks are so diverse  “that ‘black America’ is an increasingly meaningless concept,” but he continues to believe that blacks should be given preferences because they provide diversity to others.)

I could go on … and on … and on (the above links are to posts no later than 2007), but I will spare both you and me (I, after all, had to re-read these before linking them)

A number of Robinson’s columns that I criticized in many posts not linked above were real doozies, but the depth of his profundity is on display today for all to see: “Is Hillary Hiding Something?” he asks. Leave it to Eugene Robinson to ask the deeply penetrating questions no one else has thought of.

Answer: No, Mr. Robinson. She’s not hiding “something.” She’s hiding everything.

Say What?