Biraq Obama

Obama and friends thought it was a mistake for us to go to war in Iraq (except for the Hillarys etc. who were for it before they were against it). We found no weapons of mass destruction, and, they insisted and continue to insist, we cannot be the world’s policeman (or policeperson), freeing oppressed people from dictators hither and yon.

Everyone is all atwitter over Obama’s recent admission that we still don’t have a strategy for dealing with ISIS, but it seems to me that another of his off-prompter remarks in that remarkable no-news news conference is even more remarkable, and worth much more discussion than it has received:

“The options that I’m asking for from the Joint Chiefs focuses primarily on making sure that ISIL is not overrunning Iraq,” Obama said during a news conference in the White House briefing room, using another acronym for the militant Islamic group ISIS.

Why does he care who rules Iraq? When did he change his mind, and why? He certainly didn’t seem to care when he precipitously withdrew all U.S. forces without making any effort to negotiate a status of forces agreement that would have left some troops in place to help the transition to a stability that, in part because of the vacuum our flight created, is now so agonizingly absent.

Say What?