Changed! Hopeful!

A couple of weeks ago I alerted you (Change! Hope!) to the impending transition of DISCRIMINATIONS from Movable Type to WordPress, noting that “this transition should be seamless not too painful” and requesting you to send me an email (jsr at if you notice any glitches.

One glitch, the reason for which need not concern us, is that many of the links in my posts to earlier posts didn’t survive the transition journey. When you run across one of these bad links I’d appreciate your sending me the URL of the post that contains it. These should all be fixed presently.

Say What? (1)

  1. CGHill May 12, 2011 at 2:00 am | | Reply

    I switched over two and a half years ago, and I still haven’t cleaned up every last link. Don’t feel bad.

Say What?