
At the same time that the president was calling for bipartisanship and putting “petty politics” aside,

1. His spokesman, Glib Gibbs, mocked of Sarah Palin for having some notes on her hand (this from the mouthpiece of a man so wedded to the TelePrompTer that he used one to read his remarks to fifth graders ).

2. John Brennan, Obama’s counterterrorism advisor, writes in USA Today that criticisms of the decision to try Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in a civilian court “serve the goals of al-Qaeda.”

3. Nancy Pelosi “resists Obama outreach efforts.”

4. What Politico describes as a “ferocious barrage” and “The nuking of Dan Coats,” who announced his intention to run against Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, was “a coordinated effort unleashed by a small core of senior Democratic strategists in Washington, top Bayh political hands, and Indiana Democratic Party officials….”

Was the president lying, or does no one in his party pay attention to him any more?

Say What? (2)

  1. Stan Hooper February 10, 2010 at 2:01 am | | Reply

    Yeah, like that will happen. We still have the like of John Yoo teaching classes:

    True Bipartisanship is just a pipe dream…

  2. John Rosenberg February 10, 2010 at 2:34 am | | Reply

    Good point. We can’t have true bipartisanship until all the teachers belong to the same party.

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