Did Harry Reid Write The Census Form?

Apparently there is widespread outrage over the use of the term “Negro” on the 2010 Census form. The Houston Chronicle, for example, reports that “Sparks fly over use of ‘Negro’ by Census.”

A tide of indignation has risen over Question 9, which asks for the person’s race. Next to one of the 15 boxes that can be checked are three choices: black, African American or Negro.

Census officials have gotten an earful in recent days as black activists, politicians and community leaders have expressed displeasure over the decision to include the final word….

The head of Houston Counts, a city-sponsored committee which is partnering with the bureau to promote a complete count, met last week with an angry coalition of people opposed to the word, ultimately deciding not to defend the bureau’s use of “Negro” and agreeing to participate in a town hall meeting on the subject.

The upshot of it might be nothing more than a formal statement of protest, possibly endorsed by Houston city government, though activist Quanell X, who pushed for the meeting, is hoping for more.

“We are hoping that President Obama will listen to congressional leaders and pull the word ‘Negro’ down because of its offensive connotations,” Quanell said. “I totally agree with those who are hurt and offended by the word, because I am hurt and offended, too. We have evolved beyond the word ‘Negro.’”

Perhaps someone should simply suggest to Mr. X and all the other angry activists that the census form was written by Harry Reid.

Say What?