Where We Are Now…

An interesting measure of where we are now — or at least where the Democratic Party is now — is seeing this link on Drudge, Howard Dean Declares Debate Between Capitalism and Socialism to Be Over…, and realizing that you have to go to the source to discover which side Dean thinks won the debate.

I won’t give away the answer.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO December 4, 2009 at 6:17 pm | | Reply

    Meanwhile, Vermont expects a dismal year of tax income from taxes on tourist dollars, as well as maple syrup,cheddar cheese, and ice cream sales.Do ALL those Canadian/Mass. folk come to NH to buy gasoline and alcohol? (not to be confused with gasoline adulterated WITH alcohol)

    Is there a tax on gun/ammo sales in Vermont?

Say What?