Why Doesn’t Someone Propose …

1. Urging Congress to amend its civil rights legislation to exclude recent immigrants (legal or illegal) from receiving preferential treatement in employment or college admisions.

2. Declaring that all illegal immigrants will be regarded as residents of the District of Columbia, since they arrived here and remain here as a result of the federal government not enforcing the current immigration laws.

3. Revising our immigration law to state that, in the name of “diversity,” no future immigrants from Mexico will be admitted unless it is determined that there are no applicants from “underrepresented” nationalities possessing their skills and qualifications waiting in line to immigrate.

4. For taxation purposes, regarding all blacks who can trace at least one ancestor here back to slavery as involuntary illegal immigrants, much like the children of today’s illegal immigrants. As part of their “path to citizenship” under the terms of the recently passed Senate bill, “illegal aliens get an option to only have to pay three of their last five years in back taxes.” Why has Jesse Jackson not demanded extending that option to the descendants of American slaves?

Say What? (6)

  1. actus May 28, 2006 at 11:41 pm | | Reply

    “For taxation purposes, regarding all blacks who can trace at least one ancestor here back to slavery as involuntary illegal immigrants, much like the children of today’s illegal immigrants.”

    I guess people just aren’t as nuts as you.

  2. sharon May 29, 2006 at 9:00 am | | Reply

    No nuttier than the people pushing for reparations.

  3. Richard Nieporent May 29, 2006 at 9:47 am | | Reply

    I guess people just aren’t as nuts as you.

    And you, actus, are illiterate. It is satire.

  4. actus May 29, 2006 at 2:03 pm | | Reply

    “And you, actus, are illiterate. It is satire.”

    Really good stuff too. Really made you think.

  5. sharon May 29, 2006 at 6:29 pm | | Reply

    Shouldn’t post if it didn’t.

  6. Hans Bader May 31, 2006 at 11:39 am | | Reply

    Item #1 need not be regarded as satire.

    Illegal aliens do get preference in admissions if they are of a preferred race or ethnicity.

    I used to sue universities over their admissions policies, and I actually did see a few cases where illegal aliens got admitted with grades and test scores lower than most rejected white applicants.

    I wish I could provide details, but such personal identifying information is confidential under court orders designed to allow schools to comply with FERPA and preserve confidentiality.

Say What?