Michigan Liberals Continue To Proclaim Their Ignorance Of Civil Rights

The Michigan Civil Rights Commission continues to collect statements from citizens who signed petitions supporting putting the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative on the ballot but now claim they were duped into believing that the measure, which would ban discrimination based on race by state agencies in Michigan, “was for civil rights.”

“Some said they read the petition and in reading it, it doesn’t mention affirmative action and when they asked the petitioner, they were lied to,” said Howard Core, a commission spokesman. “Others said they didn’t read and trusted the individual who said it was for civil rights.

Boy, that Ward Connerly and Jennifer Gratz and their friends who came up with MCRI are deviously clever, aren’t they? I mean, what is more deceptively insidious than portraying a measure that would ban preferences based on race as actually a “civil rights” measure?

Remember poor George Romney, a governor of Michigan who ran, for a while, for president but was forced to drop out after claiming that he was “brainwashed” into supporting the war in Vietnam? What’s going on up there? Has the whole state been brainwashed, unto yet unborn generations?

Say What?