Falling Off A Clift

According to Eleanor Clift in Newsweek,

The loss of O

Say What? (6)

  1. Michelle Dulak Thomson November 5, 2005 at 3:02 pm | | Reply

    I just want to know how one “plunge[s] deeper” into an “embrace.”

    But I agree with you, John, re the “Religious Right”: that phrase once meant “conservative evangelicals,” but now it encompasses almost anyone who is both conservative and seriously religious. I’m not sure whether conservative Catholics were counted as part of the “Religious Right” in the 80s, when it was all the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalitian, &c. But they are now. It’s only a matter of time before a conservative Orthodox Jew is added, I should think.

  2. The Bitch Girls November 5, 2005 at 3:58 pm | | Reply

    Something’s Missing

    I noticed this post and thought something was missing. For liberals today, “religiousright” seems to have become one word, like the “damnyankee” of my youth. Where I’m from, that “damnyankee” is missing a three letter name on the front. It…

  3. John Rosenberg November 5, 2005 at 8:06 pm | | Reply

    Michelle – I think you are being too generous to the Clifties here. I think they regard ANY conservative, and virtually all Republicans, as acolytes of the religiousright.

  4. Gyp November 6, 2005 at 3:58 am | | Reply

    This is why I really, really hate labels.

    Whether you say “conservative,” “Republican,” or “Christian,” people will think you are a neo-con and/or part of the religiousright. And even if you technically are part of the religiousright, they’ll think only of the vices of that particular group–or just particular people in that group–and assume that you share them all as well.

  5. the friendly grizzly November 6, 2005 at 8:57 pm | | Reply

    Other examples:

    atheisticommunist (not every atheist is a communist)

    pinkofaggot (not all homosexuals are leftists in politics)

  6. Claire November 7, 2005 at 10:04 am | | Reply

    You mean ‘damnyankee’ ISN’T one word? But it says so, right here in my “Southerner’s Dictionary”!

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