A “Diverse” Candidate In Every Pool. Or Else

A Wake-up call at Marquette:

If the finalists for a faculty job are all white, it’s a sure thing that the new professor will be white.

That obvious statement is behind a directive issued by Madeline Wake, provost at Marquette University, to deans and department heads. No proposed hires for full-time faculty jobs will be approved, she said, unless there is at least one “diverse” candidate in the pool. (Diverse, for the purposes of the directive, is not only non-white Americans, but also people from other parts of the world.)

Do the people from the other parts of the world also have to be non-white to be “diverse,” or is other-worldness enough? Who knows.

Wake, of course, doesn’t believe in quotas. No one does.

Wake stressed that pools might be defined in different ways for different disciplines, and that a minority candidate may not always end up in the final two or three. But in a department that receives hundreds of applications and then interviews a dozen to pick a few finalists, she said that she would want to see a minority candidate in the dozen, and that just having had some non-white résumés in the original stack of applicants wouldn’t suffice. In the past, she said, many finalist pools for faculty jobs have been all white.

“I’m not looking for less qualified candidates, but I want a good faith effort to get people in the pool,” she said.

Why would anyone think that just because you all but require “diverse” candidates in the final pool that, if you hire them, you might indeed wind up with “less qualified” people than you would otherwise have gotten? Oh, I know. Anyone who would think that must be a racist.

Say What? (2)

  1. superdestroyer October 16, 2005 at 12:10 pm | | Reply

    I guess that the universities (once again) have failed to remember that the Supreme Court ruled in 1979 that you cannot sort out applications by race or ethnicity. The only method for ensuring a diverse candidate is to sort out the applications and then to make sure you pick one from the non-white (or non-asain in may of the sciences) stack.

  2. Richard Aubrey October 17, 2005 at 3:41 pm | | Reply

    If a “diverse” applicant is in the pool and is not hired, that will be proof that the process is rife with discrimination.

    Thus, the pressure will be to hire the diverse person irrespective of other considerations.

    Camel’s nose and so forth.

Say What?