Help For Reader Re Swift’s Modest Proposal?

A reader sent me the following inquiry. If anyone knows where to find what she’s looking for, please post in comments.

I am looking for a copy of an essay I read possibly 20 years ago. It was written as a satire ala Swift’s Modest Proposal, and made statements referencing ethnic, religious, etc. groups in what would commonly be considered an outrageously prejudicial way.

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  1. meep September 29, 2005 at 7:43 am | | Reply

    Does she mean the Person Paper regarding Pronouns, by Douglas Hofstadter (the guy who wrote Godel, Escher, Bach)? It has race-based pronouns and words in there….Ble and Whe, for example.

    This essay can be found in a Hofstadter compilation called “Metamagical Themas”

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