GVSU Puts Groveling Republicans On Probation

I have written (here) about the groveling college Republicans at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, who have purged their leadership and apologized for putting on an anti-affirmative action bake sale.

Now they have been put on probation, which in my view is probably too lenient. I might well have disbanded them altogether, on the grounds that they are useless. Of course, I would have sentenced GVSU president Mark Murray and his sanctimoniously politically correct Student Organization Review Board to a remedial humor camp where they must demonstrate an understanding of satire and parody before being allowed to return to their campus..

The Student Organization Review Board notified the group Wednesday its March 21 “Affirmative Action Bake Sale” violated a university rule that requires financial transactions to be nondiscriminatory….

University President Mark Murray said the review board’s decision was fair and stressed that the disciplinary action is not meant to stifle free speech.

The problem, he said, was the discriminatory way the College Republicans went about making its argument.

“Free speech is integral to our rights as citizens,” he said. “I hope those engaged in political discourse choose an option that elevates our discourse on controversial issues rather than degrades it.”

On second thought, maybe Murray doesn’t need any remedial humor instruction. He’s already a first-class clown.

Say What? (3)

  1. Will April 14, 2005 at 3:13 pm | | Reply

    So “making race a factor” in college admissions is not only OK, it’s so important that you need to take the issue to the Supreme Court – but “making race a factor” in selling cookies is unacceptable?

    I guess when you work in such a radical left-wing echo chamber (a college campus) , your lose a lot of your critical thinking ability.

  2. actus April 14, 2005 at 4:23 pm | | Reply

    “The Student Organization Review Board notified the group Wednesday its March 21 “Affirmative Action Bake Sale” violated a university rule that requires financial transactions to be nondiscriminatory”

    I guess the protest would have been more successfull if they were trying to rectify an imbalance in cookies. They could have called it their “compelling state interest.”

  3. Garrick Williams April 16, 2005 at 7:48 pm | | Reply

    Isn’t paying college admission a financial transaction? Perhaps the CR’s should respond by demonstrating that GVSU’s admissions policies apparently violate their own rules. Not that the administrators would listen, but the irony would be delicious.

Say What?