Considering …

California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nu

Say What? (4)

  1. notherbob2 April 21, 2005 at 7:49 pm | | Reply

    Speaker Nunez is relying on the enumeration of the penumbra for his legislation.

  2. Michelle Dulak Thomson April 21, 2005 at 9:50 pm | | Reply

    Oh, my. I have to say that I was about to throw a fit about the content of this legislation, but my urge to throw a grammatical fit took precedence. Honestly, I’ve never seen “to outreach” before, and I hope never to see it again. People who speak like that ought not to make their livings as “spokesmen.”

  3. Ken April 22, 2005 at 1:05 am | | Reply

    “It’s more of a tool …to be aware if they’re not reaching a certain group of students or if they need to outreach….”

    If the above is what the CS and UC systems need to do they are already completely free to do it. You just gather and study data about who was admitted (past tense) and who was not.

    In fact such studies are made. (I can’t use the word “done”. Studies are never “done” if more funds can be found.)

    For what reason would such data be collected data before admissions if not to use it to affect admissions.

  4. Will April 22, 2005 at 2:16 am | | Reply

    I guess these polticians and judges think the voters are too dumb to realize the semantic games they’re playing. But then, a major ploy of politicians is to give a cute euphemism to an unpopular idea and hope the public is too slow to catch on.

    Nunez says it’s not “preferences by race”…it’s just “consideration of race”. So don’t worry.

    Kind of like:

    The Grutter/Bakke courts saying that it’s not “racial preferences/quotas” , it’s just “diversity/affirmative action” – so don’t worry.

    or Bush saying he’s not giving “amnesty” to “illegal immigrants”, he’s just “legalizing the status” of “undocumented workers” – so don’t worry.

    Although Nunez’s bill is so obviously in violation of Prop 209, I’m (pretty) sure it will get shot down by the courts if it ever passes.

Say What?