Poor Emory

You’d think that by now college administrators would know that if they behave the way Emory Assistant Dean of Campus Life Vera Rorie has behaved they will be featured in a searing Erin O’Connor post. Even when good sense fails, as it so often does these days, you’d think that knowledge would be reason enough to shape up.

Say What? (1)

  1. KRM March 19, 2004 at 11:16 pm | | Reply

    They have no fear because there are generally no adverse consequences. If the worst that happens to me is having to write a murky insincere ‘apology’ letter, and its inclusion in one’s personnel file only serves as some sort of wacky status symbol or badge of honor with their peers (like missing teeth or facial scars among hockey players) – then why not? It proves they are true believers in the LLL cause and are willing to take a hit to strike a blow against those horid consevatives.

Say What?