Another Nice Liberal

One of the rewards of blogging is that occasionally you get to meet nice and interesting people whose writing you’ve come to appreciate. I’ve just met my second one this summer, and like the first–Garrett Moritz of gTexts–Andy Lazarus is also a liberal. A frequent commenter here (who’s usually wrong), in real life Andy is just as thoughtful and interesting as he is in comments trying to puncture my balloon (and succeeding more than I would like.) Life would be simpler, but less enjoyable, if all liberals were as unappealing as their arguments.

And speaking of Garrett Moritz, he has some very perceptive comments about the significance of Justice O’Connor’s 25 year hope.

Say What? (1)

  1. StuartT July 5, 2003 at 10:59 am | | Reply

    Beware, the dark side is eternally beckoning! I hope Andrew didn’t convert you.

    Yes, there are many nice “liberals” (how on Earth did statism come to be called liberal?)–intelligent, earnest, and thoughtful to a man. But, oh those thoughts.

    In my innumerable political debates with left-wing friends and Andrew on this site, I often recall Winston Smith’s lament of O’Brien:

    “What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?”

    Endeavor to persevere.

Say What?