A Little Quiz

The following two items appeared, in this order, in the Chronicle of Higher Education‘s daily index of its online articles today. Does the first item confirm the second, or provide evidence to contradict it?

* THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS at more than 350 colleges and high schools walked out of classes and held rallies on Wednesday to protest a possible U.S. war with Iraq. Some professors canceled their classes to support the protesters. “Books not bombs” was the theme of the events, whose organizers argued not only that a war with Iraq would be socially unjust, but also that the cost of the campaign would lead to further cuts in funds for public higher education. –> SEE http://chronicle.com/daily/2003/03/2003030602n.htm

* AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION has not met the challenge of nurturing the civic and moral development of students, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The report’s authors noted that some institutions have made strides toward integrating civic education into campus life, but said that too many programs “mostly reach the students who seek them out and therefore need them the least.” –> SEE http://chronicle.com/daily/2003/03/2003030603n.htm (Links require subscription)

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