Two Perspectives On “Turning Back the Clock”

New York Times editorial:

Some of the nation’s most honored federal judges covered themselves in glory by standing up for the right of children of all races to attend school together. With the nation still struggling toward the ideal of equal opportunity, now is no time for the branch of government charged with ensuring justice for all to turn the clock back on race.

Roger Clegg, in National Review Online:

So, despite what you may read in some quarters over the next few days, weeks, and months, the Court’s decision to grant review is not evidence of a decision by the justices to “turn back the clock” on civil rights. To the contrary, the issue is one they could hardly duck, and the only issue is whether civil rights should be redefined to include a right to preferential treatment.

Perhaps someone should tell the NYT to chill out. Nothing the Supremes could decide in the Michigan cases could deprive children, or adults, of any race of the right to go to school with anyone.

Say What?