The Joys of Blogging

Anyone who has blogged for long will tell you that making new friends is one of the greatest rewards of blogging. These new relationships are often electronic only, and that is fine. Today, however, Jessie and I had the pleasure of meeting Howard Bashman, of How Appealing fame, in person, in the flesh, for lunch in Bryn Mawr. And thus we can assure you that in real life Howard is every bit as Appealing as his fine blog.

Say What? (1)

  1. Lee Murphy April 28, 2004 at 5:30 pm | | Reply

    We will always have the poor, the homeless, and the disabled with us. People who give up food to take their grandchildren to Mac Donald’s- these are called Social Security receipients. Citizens pushing their shopping cars down to locations where they can in this wretched existance, collect welfare checks – these are your homeless. Finally, our frail populace handicapped in body, courage and spirit, receiving pittance grants from our government- these are our disabled.

    On March 19, 2004, by generous approving big bold bright-blue ink marking a most respected signature, of a zeinlth government power – establishing the sanction with The Santa Ana Housing Authority, that it was absolutely all right to make a disabled 68 year old woman homeless. Got your interest yet? You should be interested in who so helped the poor, supposedly…this letter to Lee Murphy was signed by SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN.

    The poor do not leave their brains at these bureaucratic offices of the government,they just lose their precious dignity!

    I ask you here America, why doesn’t my vote count for this senator in November, just as much as the one before it or the one following it? Who’s running in this election against Senator Feinstein?

    e-mail me as you can

    Grandmother Lee Murphy at email hidden; JavaScript is required

Say What?