McKinneyean Moral Equivalence – The

McKinneyean Moral Equivalence – The Washington Post pointed out today that at least 18 contributors to Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s re-election campaign are officers of Muslim organizations under investigation by the FBI, have supported terrorist organizations, or have made inflammatory comments about Jews. Asked about this during a recent television debate, McKinney replied:

All of our contributions are legal. My opponent, on the other hand, has an awful lot of Republican money going into her coffers.

I thought campaign finance reform was supposed to prevent these heinous acts, such as Republicans contributing to political candidates. And — wouldn’t you know it! — many of the contributors to McKinney’s opponent are Jewish! Doesn’t that violate church-state separation or something?

One of McKinney’s contributors is Professor Sami Al-Arian, who has been filmed saying such things as: “Let us damn America, let us damn Israel. Let us damn their allies until death,” and “Victory to Islam, death to Israel.”

But not to worry. In a recent press conference he explained:

“Death to Israel” meant death to apartheid, death to oppression. . . . I never incited people to violence or murder. It never happened.

Well, I’m glad that’s cleared up. Remind me, though: exactly what is he a professor of?

Say What?