The Neas Have It –

The Neas Have ItJudicial Activism: Noun phrase. A judicial opinion with which you, and by implication all right-thinking people, disagree.

Ralph Neas, president of People for the American Way, is (surprise!) opposing the nomination of Priscilla Owen to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. According to Neas, “When she doesn’t agree with a law passed by the Legislature, she tries to amend that law by her judicial opinions.”

I am now taking bets from anyone who believes Neas believes what he said, i.e., that he will consistently apply this anti-activism principle to the next liberal judge who flexibly interprets a staute to reach a conclusion he approves.

Incidentally, the SFGATE article quoting Neas (linked above) identifes People for the American Way as a “liberal-leaning advocacy group.” If PFAW is only liberal-leaning, I wonder who SFGATE regards as a full-fledged liberal group.

Say What?