It’s MLK Day, Not Thanksgiving, But …

… I still think we should be thankful that President Obama, at least so far as is known at present, has not issued an Executive Order declaring January 19 (or some other date) Al Sharpton Day.

As well he might have, since Sharpton is, as Politico has pointed out, Obama’s “go-to man on race,” and even the Obama-friendly Washington Post Ombudsman has confirmed that as of the end of last year Sharpton had visited the  ObamaWhite House over 70 times at the least (many visits are unrecorded), no doubt more than any other “civil rights leader” and tax cheat combined. ( cites New York Times and New York Post articles reporting that Sharpton is a tax delinquent to the tune of about $4.5 million. According to the Washington Post ombudsman,  Sharpton claims to be “on a payment plan” paying off his tax debt.)

One can hardly blame the IRS for not acting more aggressively to collect the debt owed by Obama’s “go-to” friend, dressed in “lavish suits” though he always is (see this hilarious description of this deposition on his finances in the New York Times), since it has been so busy hounding Obama’s critics.

So, in recognition of President Obama’s well-known opinion views of race-neutral, colorblind equality (not to mention even-handed treatment of all by the IRS), I think we should greet his supporters today with a hearty “Happy Al Sharpton Day!”

Say What?