Our Supreme Leader At the U.N. Claims A Wholly New Title

In his speech on climate change at the UN yesterday, our Supreme Leader, giving further evidence of his narcissistic delusions of grandeur, announced that “I’m here personally, as the leader of the world’s largest economy….”

Really? I was not aware that our economy had an individual “leader.” Did I somehow miss Obama’s election/coronation/appointment as our economy’s “leader”?

The president, according to his own self-description if not his c.v., is a Constitutional law scholar (Obama in 2007: “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.”) Perhaps the former professor can point to the provision of the Constitution or some subsidiary law that provides for the election of a “leader” our economy.

I suspect that his dubious claim of authority comes from the same source as his asserted authority to rewrite, amend, or suspend duly enacted laws that he finds politically inconvenient, or to legislate vial executive order when Congress refuses to enact what he thinks it should.

Say What?