The Filibuster And Post-Modern Democrats

“If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue,” I begin a piece on “The Filibuster and Post-Modern Democrats” that just went up on Pajamas Media,

then calling Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden hypocrites for abandoning their previous “principled” defense of Senate filibusters is an insult to hypocrites. Hypocrites, after all, recognize the power of principles and try to squirm out of the vice of violating them, but today’s post-modern Democrats feel no shame in making contradictory “principled” arguments because they no longer pay any tribute whatsoever to the virtue of neutral, non-partisan principle.

Please read, if you will excuse my self-referential suggestion, the whole thing.


I’ve just noticed that two paragraphs inexplicably got dropped from the published version of my piece, making the one that follows refer to stuff that’s now not present. The unexpurgated version follows below, with the paragraphs missing from the published version in bold. I’ll remove this if the published version is corrected.


Online version fixed!


Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO December 4, 2013 at 11:03 am | | Reply

    Do not neglect Ms. Clintons position on the matter.
    Blind party allegiance aside-
    (PARA) “Well then, perhaps you should put fourth ideas that %60 CAN clearly agree on!”

Say What?