Ivy League Students Oppose Race Preferences!

[NOTE: Cross-Posted on College Insurrection, from which it attracted an appreciated InstaPundit link]

The Brown Daily Herald reported yesterday the surprising results of a poll that found “more than 58 percent of students oppose the University’s consideration of race in student admissions decisions, while over 34 percent of students said they supported the policy.”

One hopeful way for liberals to look at this dramatic finding is as proof that the Brown faculty is not indoctrinating its students, since Brown faculty and staff gave 99% of their contributions in the 2012 presidential race to Obama, tying with Princeton as having the least diversity of political giving in the Ivy League. At Brown, “129 Obama donors gave $67,728, 1 Romney donor gave $500.”

Perhaps the faculty was at least partly successful, however, in discouraging any diversity of thought about race since Brown students were unwilling to admit their opposition to race preferences. “Among the students interviewed for this article,” the Daily Herald reports, “none who opposed the use of both race and socioeconomic status in admissions agreed to go on record with their opinions.”

Say What?