Obama Moves Toward Quotas Limiting Men In Science

Charlotte Allen and Hans Bader have chilling posts detailing new plans to combat gender “inequality” in STEM fields by … using Title IX to restrict men in science in the same way that it is used to restrict male sports. As usual, Bader gives very thorough and useful chapter and verse.

Ove the years I’ve written about the looming threat of Title IX to science a number of times, such as here, here, here, here, and here.

Say What? (2)

  1. CaptDMO July 12, 2012 at 11:56 am | | Reply

    I guess those “extra-help/remedial” science etc. classes, designed for college females that didn’t seem quite up to snuff to compete with their male “equals” in the REAL science playing field, weren’t enough.Surely the nice folks with PhD’s in Woman’s Studies, Forensic Psycology, or Political “Science”, can take time out from their subsequent demanding important careeres to enlighten (ie.)The Presidents #2 (as I refer to the current veep)
    Wendy McElroy had quite a bit to say about “special” (pre “sports” Title IX) “extra-help” for da’ wimmins in acadamia.

  2. Becky July 13, 2012 at 10:07 am | | Reply

    It’s Harrison Bergeron all over again!

Say What?