U.S. Discriminates Against Muslim Men, Co-Ed Colleges

“Both Inside Higher Ed and the Chronicle of Higher Education have just reported,” I wrote on Minding The Campus this morning, “that the U.S. State Department has teamed up with 36 American women’s colleges to launch a program that discriminates against Arab men and U.S. co-ed institutions.”

Read the whole thing; it’s short.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO December 13, 2011 at 12:24 am | | Reply

    And The State Department is working in concert with “Women’s” academia, for funding the “education” of foreign, and matchingdomestic “women”, because…?
    UNESCO? New World Order? Illuminati? ACORN?
    Doesn’t Title IX have something to say about “disparate impact” or something?
    That was then, this is N.O.W.?

    The “Pay-as-you-go” bit comes from WHERE exactly?
    No mention of gobs of oil, even olive oil, to be handed over in exchange? (Can cheep olive “cooking” oil be used to adulterate diesel fuel, like ETOH “enhancement” of gasoline?)
    I seem to recall The Prez lightly touched on this “international education, somehow in-honor-of-the-dead”, thing in his latest “Troops are leaving, here’s a wad of recently printed tax dollars, now-we’re-buddies.” appearance.

    I remember some of the non-Arian Persian (and other Muslim) female students at a Bronxville, formerly “woman’s, college about 30 years ago (10% male, half of those “openly gay” at that time). “Unexpectedly”, MOST of these women were from world class 1% monied families, already wicked smart- without grade inflation, and already spoke clear American WASP English- fluently.

Say What?