“Diversity Is Just As Important As Family…”

According to this report from Polk County, Florida (HatTip to Drudge), Eric Holder’s Justice Dept. and the Dept. of Education’s Office of Civil Rights believe “diversity” is so important they’re pressuring the Polk County, Florida, school board to prevent kindergartner Katie McLaughlin from attending the same magnet school as her brother, rising first grader Trip McLaughlin.

It appears that not very much pressure was necessary, since Polk County School Board Chair Kay Fields told a local reporter, “To me, diversity is just as important as family, in my opinion.”

Polk County magnet schools get federal money, in part, because they were designed to be racially diverse, and school officials say extending sibling preference beyond the current standards could cut into that necessary diversity by reducing the number of spaces available for minority students.

School official Carol Bridges told the board, “We continue to be scrutinized by the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice to make sure we maintain that value [of diversity].”

Almost as sad and unfortunate as the hardship Obama’s diversicrats and their fellow travelers in Florida insist on imposing on the McLaughlin family in the name of “diversity” is that there’s nothing surprising about it.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO August 19, 2011 at 1:08 pm | | Reply

    I don’t get it.
    Does this mean that if a “magnet” school begins producing sucessful students,
    then a certain number of “ineducable” ones must then be enrolled, and otherwise promising subjects must be diverted to institutions with failing demographics, just to “diversify” to the point of stasis?

    When is Title IX going to kick in, as written, and address the in-diversity of the dwindling number of males deemed successful in (ahem)higher “education”?

Say What?