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Diversity, Honor, And Double Standards at UVa

I have an essay on Minding The Campus today about the recent police harassment hoax perpetrated by a UVa law school student, and other scandals there. One question it raises is whether UVa now has an affirmative action Honor Code.

Whites As The New Jews?

It is common to observe that Asians are the “new Jews” — academic over-achieving victims of quotas, now dressed up as “diversity”-based affirmative action. In a striking variation on that theme, the author of the comment I’m about to quote argues that it is American whites who are the new Jews and, interestingly, that liberal […]

The Most Explosive Content Of Obama's Mideast Speech

The Most Explosive Content Of Obama’s Mideast Speech

Much attention has been paid, as it should be, to President Obama’s call for a return to Israel’s 1967 borders as a basis for the formation of a new Palestinian state, but that may not be the most incendiary comment in his remarks. Here is the dramatic paragraph from the president’s speech: So while the […]

A “Mere Citizen” Criticizes Washington State’s “Affirmative Action Scam”

Someone has just sent me a powerful 10-minute YouTube video attacking “Washington’s Illegal Affirmative Action Scam” by someone (perhaps my correspondent) who describes himself as “a mere citizen” of the state of Washington. It’s definitely worth watching.

New Attempt To Reduce STEM “Diversity” In Industry

Would you believe that workshops at the University of Washington are attempting to reduce STEM diversity in industry? If not, or even if you do, see my discussion here.

Is “Diversity” Killing Black Men?

You’ve heard of Rick Sander’s “mismatch” theory — that affirmative action places minorities in schools where they fail in disproportionate numbers. For a suggestion that it may have even more fatal effects, see my discussion here.

Obama’s Idea Of A “Conversation”

As Andrea Tantaros has just reminded us in the New York Daily News (“Obama’s death panels return: Rationing is at heart of President’s health plan”), Obama has long known that the health care rationing at the core of Obamacare would be a hard sell. In an interview (prematurely titled “After the Great Recession”) shortly after […]

“Making Affirmative Action Profitable”

Robert Weissberg has an ingenious idea for making affirmative action profitable.

Changed! Hopeful!

A couple of weeks ago I alerted you (Change! Hope!) to the impending transition of DISCRIMINATIONS from Movable Type to WordPress, noting that “this transition should be seamless not too painful” and requesting you to send me an email (jsr at if you notice any glitches. One glitch, the reason for which need not […]

Was Seal Team Six “Diverse”?

[NOTE: Be sure to see the UPDATES, especially UPDATE II, to this post!] “How long,” a reader emails, “until the media begins to ask about whether the team of Seals that killed Osama was ‘diverse’?” [CORRECTION. Typo in original quote had Obama, not Osama, being killed.] Good question. Certainly the major (and much of the […]