Minorities And Immigration

A new survey by Zogby of Hispanics, Asian-Americans, and African-Americans found that substantial and similar majorities of all those groups believed that

• immigration is too high;

• illegal immigration is caused by a lack of enforcement, not by overly strict limits on legal immigration;

• there are plenty of Americans available to fill unskilled jobs; and that

• illegal immigrants should be forced to return home rather than be offered a “pathway to citizenship.”

The survey shows, in short, that the views of minorities on immigration are substantially at odds with the position of the advocacy groups that claim to speak for them.

Say What? (1)

  1. CaptDMO March 4, 2010 at 9:29 am | | Reply

    • there are plenty of Americans available to fill unskilled jobs;

    “Idiocracy” aside,

    not ALL of the folks on the left hand side of average on the bell curve, nor ALL folks that were simply “tended” in public schools, can be bestowed supervisory/political/board appointments.

Say What?