Race And The 2008 Election

The Next Right notes the “most underreported fact of the 2008 election,” from this CNN exit poll (HatTip to InstaPundit):

Those who said race was an important factor voted 55 percent to 44 percent in favor of Obama.

Insofar as race is a continuing problem in the United States, whose problem is it?

Say What? (3)

  1. Cobra March 31, 2009 at 10:48 pm | | Reply

    John Rosenberg writes:

    “Insofar as race is a continuing problem in the United States, whose problem is it?”

    Depends upon your point of view, John. Given the historical significance of electing the first African-American President, one doesn’t have to stretch the imagination as to why at least some of the 55% pro-Obama voters made their selection.

    The rationale of the 44% (nearly half) of those who claimed race was a factor and voted against Obama, IMHO is a more intriguing conversation.


  2. Mike Bertolone April 1, 2009 at 4:08 am | | Reply

    I work in downtown Rochester, NY. Although Obama t-shirts are still quite popular, I hadn’t seen one quite like the one I saw last week.

    An African American woman was wearing a shirt with a slogan that was about as subtle as a sledgehammer: “My President is a Black Man.” No question that race was “a factor” in her vote!

    I’m still waiting for an Italian-American president. I doubt that I’ll see one in MY lifetime, however.

  3. Cobra April 4, 2009 at 1:11 am | | Reply


    I have no doubt that there are people who wear shirts like this African-American woman. I don’t have to guess if race was a factor.

    I also have no doubt that there are people who wear shirts like those designed by “Apollo Braun.

    I don’t have to guess if race was a factor there, either.


Say What?