Revising Obama

Revisionist interpretations of the Obama phenomenon are already appearing … even before there is an Obama administration.

ÜberBlogger Glenn Reynolds points to a Washington Post article today proclaiming that Obama’s “Not Black,” and observes:

Hmm. Gates reappointed at Defense, an Iraq-Hawk Secretary of State, keeping the tax cuts, and now the next President turns out not to be black — hey, they told me if I voted for McCain we’d get a third term for Bush, and I guess they were right!

Elsewhere he points to a Los Angeles Times blog discussion of a new report from the Campaign Finance Institute revealing that “Obama’s small donor base image is a myth.”

Everybody knows how President-elect Barack Obama’s amazing campaign money machine was dominated by several million regular folks sending in hard-earned amounts under $200, a real sign of his broadbased grassroots support.

Except, it turns out, that’s not really true.

In fact, Obama’s base of small donors was almost exactly the same percent as George W. Bush’s in 2004 — Obama had 26% and the great Republican satan 25%. Obviously, this is unacceptable to current popular thinking.

If this sort of analysis continues, pretty soon Tom Friedman and the New York Times will be giving Obama credit for victory in Iraq.

Oh, wait.

Say What? (4)

  1. CaptDMO December 1, 2008 at 9:48 am | | Reply

    Despite the desperate race baiting by assorted elements for Obama “08” , am I the only one one kept saying “Um, no, actually he’s sort of Mulatto with questionable national birthright?

  2. Corinne December 3, 2008 at 10:48 pm | | Reply

    You are not alone!!! It seems that so many people were swept up with the whole idea of change that they chose to ignore the fact that Obama may not even be eligible to be president! Hawaii allowed births outside of the US to be listed as Hawaii births… this is a birth that Obama very well may have had. But at this point… if that even came out, do you really think that people would kick this illuminati lefty out of office? Yeah right.

  3. Court Reporter Net December 4, 2008 at 9:00 pm | | Reply

    Should’nt have this been brought up when Obama applied to run for president? Why are they remembering now?

  4. Cobra December 5, 2008 at 1:03 am | | Reply

    Some of you guys are so funny.

    Now you’re grasping at every straw you can find, from “he’s not really black”, to “he’s not really American”.

    It’s as though the REALITY of President Barack Obama is so psycologically discomforting to many of you that there must be some “conspiracy theory” behind all of this.

    I tell people about the comments on this blog, and they don’t even believe me, but when they look for themselves it’s–

    “Cobra, you were right!”


Say What?