Live By The Word …

How odd. Barack Obama, whose whole appeal rests on his eloquent speeches, who said not long ago

It’s true I give a good speech. What can I do? Nothing wrong with that?

and who shouted “Don’t tell me that words don’t matter!” now complains that “some people spend way too much time ‘obsessing’ about some of the things he and others have actually said.”

It’s not becoming for a candidate who’s done so little but said so much about what he will do to complain when people actually pay attention to what he says, especially what he says when he thinks no one outside his circle is listenting. If they weren’t transfixed by his words, they might pay more attention to the disconnect between a politician on the far left of his party promising (once he’s elected) to make common cause with those across the aisle, between a self-identified black candidate who refuses to disown the most radical (“U.S. of KKK A,” etc.) elements of his black support who promises to transcend race even as he describes small-town whites as too bitter, angry, frustrated, fearful, cynical (take you pick) to know where their true interests lie.

Say What?