Moral Equivalency, California-Style

From the Santa Cruz Sentinel:

… all kinds of people hold bigoted views. They tell ethnic jokes. They rail against affirmative action. They blame others who are members of groups.

I wonder if the Santa Cruz Sentinel believes everyone who opposes affirmative action is a bigot, or only those who “rail” against it? Perhaps people who oppose it moderately or quietly are moderate or quiet bigots.

I also wonder whether railing for racial preference counts as a bigoted view? Probably not, at least in Santa Cruz.

Say What? (3)

  1. staghounds August 3, 2006 at 12:15 pm | | Reply


    I hear all the time that racism/discrimination are “everywhere”, that they are “a problem”.

    SHOW IT TO ME. Show me all this actual, observed racism. Saying racism is a problem is like saying yellow fever is a problem.

    It was once. It might be again under the right conditions. But right now, it seems prety well under control.

  2. K August 4, 2006 at 4:30 pm | | Reply

    ‘they blame others who are members of groups’

    What does that mean? One cannot blame a person who is a member of groups???

    Last time I heard something similar it was:

    ‘don’t blame me I just work here’. So I blamed him during his lunch hour.

  3. Cobra August 8, 2006 at 6:39 pm | | Reply

    Stag writes:


    I hear all the time that racism/discrimination are “everywhere”, that they are “a problem”.

    SHOW IT TO ME. Show me all this actual, observed racism. Saying racism is a problem is like saying yellow fever is a problem.

    It was once. It might be again under the right conditions. But right now, it seems prety well under control.”

    This must be one of those “fake posters” thrown in to incite a reaction.


Say What?