And Still More More Diversity Nonsense

Anyone who thinks implementing “diversity” reduces conflict should take a look this report about “diversity”-induced conflict at New Mexico’s Highlands University, which had set out to make itself “the nation’s premier Hispanic-serving institution.”

White faculty who were dismissed sued, of course, and then Latino students sued to prevent the board from dismissing the president. Even the AAUP, which never seems to get upset at the discrimination required by the racial preferences it supports, censured the institution. Jonathan Knight, director of the Department of Academic Freedom and Governance at the AAUP, said, vacuously in my opinion, that “the board’s plan may have been ‘laudable,’ but that its execution left something to be desired in terms of academic freedom.”

Yes, discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity does leave something to be desired — namely, equality.

Say What? (2)

  1. Dom July 19, 2006 at 10:13 am | | Reply

    Here’s an interest comment from the report:

    [Quoting a previous comment] “Could someone explain why a person’s genitalia or pigmentation should be a factor in tenure decisions?”

    [Commenting on this] Because different races or sexes view issues differently. This is accepted as fact by all right-thinking people in academia. Which is why, when the president of Harvard made an observation to this effect, he was roundly applauded and supported by the faculty who largely owed their appointments to this point of view.

  2. Laura(southernxyl) July 19, 2006 at 6:54 pm | | Reply

    “the board’s plan may have been ‘laudable,’ but that its execution left something to be desired in terms of academic freedom.”

    Academic freedom is a fascinating term. It means so many different things. In the context of this sentence, academic freedom means the freedom of white people to retain their jobs.

Say What?