The New Massive Resistance

The South’s defiance of the law after the Brown decision required an end racial discrimination by the state came to be known as “massive resistance.”

“Now,” John Leo reports, “officeholders and civic leaders of the North and West are in the game too, this time to push ‘diversity’ programs in defiance of the law.”

Leo give some examples, which are depressing.

Say What? (1)

  1. Richard Nieporent June 25, 2006 at 11:14 am | | Reply

    This is just another example of the Left showing its contempt for democracy. The reason they so brazenly defy the law is that there is no penalty for doing so. Unlike in the time of the civil rights movement when protestors went to jail, nothing happens to them. If we only had to obey laws we agreed with there would be complete anarchy.

Say What?