“Diversity” For The Goose But Not The Gander?

According to an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, an associate professor of nursing has sued Berea College, contending among other things

that the college hired its first male nursing professor at a higher salary than it paid any of its female nursing professors, most of whom had much more experience than he did.

Now it’s true that the Equal Pay Act and other civil rights legislation would seem to make sex discrimination in pay illegal, but those acts don’t seem to have barred colleges from paying some selected minorities more than whites or other minorities. The argument, of course,” is that “diversity” requires recruiting those minorities and, since they are so few and so much in demand, it is necessary to pay them to attract them.

Might that rationale also apply to male professors of nursing and other subjects where they are “underrepresented.” Or does the clear text of civil rights legislation mean what it says, at least sometimes?

Say What? (2)

  1. Chauncey May 21, 2006 at 11:38 pm | | Reply

    i don’t get it. sarcasm?

  2. ellenweber May 24, 2006 at 11:15 am | | Reply

    You make a good case, John, for the personal reflection it takes to live what we say about diversity… Thanks for bring this key insight to mind in this post and for showing the other side which we see in those who speak but fail to incorporate the best of diversity.

Say What?