
From a student letter in the Michigan State News:

First of all, admissions policies take many things into account and with the passing of Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, only race and gender will be eliminated.

Universities, such as the University of Michigan, will still be able to consider geography.

Well, yes. It’s true. Civil rights legislation bars only discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender. If that’s somehow bad, then this writer should not only oppose MCRI but also demand the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and probably the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments as well.

Just one more example (search “IUNS” – Invidious Ubiquitous Non-Sequitur — for others) of someone who thinks that if you can discriminate on the basis of anything, you should be free to discriminate on the basis of everything.

Say What? (1)

  1. Gina April 14, 2006 at 11:57 am | | Reply

    I’m guessing they’ll still be able to discriminate on the basis of grades and test scores too. I’m outraged!

    And are MICHIGAN schools really giving preference to ALASKAN students (she notes that this preference gives benefits to whites). She also notes that preference is given to people with an “unusual” number of honors classes (the horror), and this benefits whites! In fact, it’s “white affirmative action”!

    I’m sure those people with “unusual” numbers of honors classes were automatically given 20 points (out of 100 needed for automatic admission) as were preferred minorities. 20%!

Say What?