The Irony Of Ethnic Regulation (Or De-Regulation)

As the immigration debate heats up, it may be instructive (at least it’s interesting) to reflect upon this irony: the Left, which wants to regulate every nook and cranny of American life to ensure an appropriately “diverse” mix of races and ethnicities everywhere (appropriate to the Left, that is), wants in its heart of hearts to de-regulate the borders. It views the efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration as discrimination against Hispanics.

The Right, not surprisingly, has the opposite position. It wants strong governmental control of the borders but favors a thoroughly de-regulated internal racial and ethnic market. In my view, however, this position does not qualify as ironical because regulating borders and immigration is a traditional and essential component of sovereignty, and the Right would want to dam the floodwaters of illegal immigration no matter what the ethnicity of the illegals.

Say What? (4)

  1. Federal Dog March 30, 2006 at 11:33 am | | Reply

    “It views the efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration as discrimination against Hispanics.”

    In their heart of hearts, I very, very sincerely doubt this. This is just what they say to whitewash their noxious intentions.

    What IS sure is that they view efforts to stem the flow of illegals pretending to exempt themselves from laws that govern all Americans as cutting at the most viable voting bloc available to them. The left needs the illegal and felon vote, and they will secure it by any means necessary.


  2. Cobra March 30, 2006 at 9:17 pm | | Reply

    Federal Dog writes:

    >>>”What IS sure is that they view efforts to stem the flow of illegals pretending to exempt themselves from laws that govern all Americans as cutting at the most viable voting bloc available to them. The left needs the illegal and felon vote, and they will secure it by any means necessary.”

    Given the track record of the Right on race and immigrants in America, how can you accuse the Left of such a thing?

    Secondly, all the corporate lords are doing regarding illegal immigration is “insourcing” cheap labor, as opposed to “outsourcing.” The “guest worker” program is little more than a resurrection of indentured servitude, IMHO.


  3. Federal Dog March 31, 2006 at 6:32 am | | Reply

    Cobra, are illegal aliens really voting for the right?


    If not, why would you contend that the right so desperately needs the illegal vote? There’s a big difference between voting and working for a pittance, you know.

    Indeed, the pittance part suffices to turn its recipients against employers who pay it, so why would illegals being paid that pittance vote for any system that deflates their income so dramatically?

    In short, why would you think that illegal aliens are some sort of voting block for the right?

  4. Dom March 31, 2006 at 9:18 am | | Reply

    From the Boston Herald: “All these millions of illegal aliens that he [Ted Kennedy] wants to turn into citizens – and Democratic voters – will behave …”

    Virtually everyone believes that the left’s policy on immigration is a (not so) secret attempt to swell its voting base.

Say What?