Does The “Dis-United Kingdom” Foresadow a Dis-United States?

Leo McKinstry, who describes himself as “an Irish-born writer who lives in both France and the United Kingdom,” has a very depressing article in the current Weekly Standard describing the wreck multiculturalism has made of modern Britain.

Read the whole thing. Meanwhile here are some excerpts:

In truth, Britain is now a deeply divided land, where suspicion, intolerance, and aggression cast their shadow over urban areas….

This sorry situation has been created by a deliberate act of public policy. For the last three decades, in response to waves of mass immigration, the civic institutions of Britain have eagerly implemented the ideology of multiculturalism. Instead of promoting a cohesive British identity, they have encouraged immigrant communities to cling to the customs, traditions, and language of their countries of origin. The emphasis is on upholding ethnic and cultural differences rather than achieving assimilation….

Racial segregation is woven into the fabric of British public services….

Thanks to multiculturalism, the provision of public housing, the arts, broadcasting, and community grants is now divided on racial lines….

Britain is fast replacing nationhood with a hierarchy of victimhood, with different ethnic groups living in conflict, each trumpeting its own sense of grievance. Age-old liberties, like freedom of speech, are disappearing….

Multiculturalists wish a similar fate for the U.S., while others of us fear it.

Say What?