DISCRIMINATIONS reader Michael Bertolone has a nice letter in USA Today.

Punch line:

For USA TODAY to argue that these 104

Say What? (4)

  1. Cicero September 24, 2005 at 6:22 am | | Reply

    I have always found it to be intellectually dishonest for the ‘diversity movement’ to indict all ‘white men’ as being wealthy and privileged.

    This collective guilt is a way for upper class-wealthy-liberal whites to share their guilt with the rest of us so we’ll ‘take the fall’ through the affirmative action schemes they create.

  2. Cobra September 27, 2005 at 6:49 pm | | Reply

    Cicero writes:

    >>>”This collective guilt is a way for upper class-wealthy-liberal whites to share their guilt with the rest of us so we’ll ‘take the fall’ through the affirmative action schemes they create.”

    And upper class-wealthy-conservative whites think what, since this is the sweeping generalization thread?

    Or do you believe that upper class-wealthy-conservative whites actually exist?


  3. anon September 28, 2005 at 3:39 am | | Reply

    Upper class conservatives are joining with upper class liberals on this issue, unfortunately.

  4. Cicero September 28, 2005 at 11:18 am | | Reply

    Cobra writes:

    >>And upper class-wealthy-conservative whites think what, since this is the sweeping generalization thread?

    I agree that many wealthy-upper-class conservative whites have jumped on the racial and gender preferences bandwagon (mainly because THEY have nothing to lose by doing so – only the middle and working classes lose opportunities through the application of affirmative action).

    Let’s not forget, however, that it was UPPER CLASS LIBERAL WHITES (LBJ, Ramsey Clark, Nelson Rockefeller, etc.) who cooked up these racial/gender preference schemes in the first place. Again, they had nothing to lose. In fact, for all his civil rights rhetoric, LBJ employed illegal alien Mexican labor on his ranch at sub-minimum wage rates! What a hypocrite…

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