Racial Discrimination In Financial Aid

A short while ago I asked whether the University of Virginia was a “racial scofflaw” for giving race-based financial aid. One of the questions there was whether the ostensibly private source of the aid provided enough of a fig leaf to protect the University from legal challenge.

Maybe not, suggests a new report from the College Board.

When reviewing race-conscious financial-aid programs, colleges should also look at scholarships provided by outside organizations. Just because the financial aid is coming from external sources does not mean the college is off the legal hook. That’s particularly true, the manual says, if institutions are directly involved in the administration of such aid.

Say What? (1)

  1. Sandy P March 28, 2005 at 10:27 pm | | Reply

    Found this at Lucianne:

    Data Show Gaps in Women’s Income

    Wall Street Journal, by Associated Press

    Original Article

    Posted By:alleygaroo, 3/28/2005 3:26:33 PM

    Black and Asian women with bachelor’s degrees earn more than similarly educated white women, accoring to data released today by the Census Bureau.

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