
The trouble with much of the writing about higher education is that so much of it sounds like a parody that it’s hard to know what, if anything, should be taken seriously, and this is even more likely to be true of items written by people associated with schools of education. A case in point is “The Academic Elite Goes to Washington, and to War,” an article in Academe, a publication of the AAUP, that attempts to refute the notion that higher education these days is a swamp of lefty political correctness. I thought it was rather funny until I realized that it wasn’t trying to be.

The author, Lionel Lewis, an emeritus professor of sociology and adjunct professor of higher education at the State University of New York at Buffalo, argues that “the conventional wisdom that a decidedly left-wing slant influences what students are taught at elite colleges and universities in America” is all wrong. “The facts,” he writes, “have never supported such fanciful claims.” On the contrary, he claims, “History shows that academia has roosted a flock of hawks.”

His evidence? Many of the war mongers who have managed American foreign policy since World War II graduated from Ivy League institutions. Really.

Many … who have taught and been taught at elite universities have helped develop America’s aggressive and confrontational foreign policy (a policy resting on the premise that the nation’s strength should be felt around the world) while serving as secretary of defense or as national security adviser….

… among the fifteen individuals serving as secretary of defense under ten presidents

Say What? (4)

  1. actus January 31, 2005 at 2:29 pm | | Reply

    Doesn’t the CIA and NSA recruit at elite universities? I think they were in my Ivy.

  2. TJ Jackson January 31, 2005 at 3:08 pm | | Reply

    Based on this reasoning today’s film makers who produce bloody filth are the products of Disney products? Yeah right.

  3. Stephen January 31, 2005 at 3:58 pm | | Reply

    I think that what we are seeing here is the old standby: “Well, academia may be overwhelmingly liberal, but the corporate world and government are overwhelmingly conservative.”

    Unfortunately, the thesis statement is false. No such conservative unanimity exists in the corporate and governmental universes. This is simply a convenient, and false, assumption.

  4. Ken Sain February 2, 2005 at 4:36 am | | Reply

    COTV #124

    Edward Abbey would have been 78 on Saturday. While looking around for a grand theme for the 124th Carnival of the Vanities I didn’t have to look very far to see my favorite author as the tie that binds. After all, he pretty much had an opinion on eve…

Say What?