MCRI Moves Ahead

The Michigan Supreme Court has just refused to review an appeals court ruling that (Surprise!) barring the state from engaging in racial discrimination does not change the meaning of the state constitution’s requirement of equal protection, as MCRI critics had claimed.

As quoted in a recent MCRI press release, the appeals court held that


Say What? (18)

  1. KRM January 4, 2005 at 5:24 pm | | Reply

    The proposed judges are out of the Democrat’s ‘mainstream’. That is the only thing that matters to them. They don’t recognize that they themselves are well to the Left of the mainstram because the MSM is with them telling them that they are in the center.

  2. Cobra January 4, 2005 at 10:27 pm | | Reply

    I’m about three miles away from Bob Jones University, in Greenville,SC as I type this, so I guess it’s appropriate. :-)

    The Mission Statement of the oxymoronic “Michigan Civil Rights Initiative” is as follows:

    >>>The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative is a non-partisan coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of prohibiting discrimination by government against individuals based on their race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.

    Our goal is to finally realize the promise made four decades ago with the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Sadly, the Civil Rights Act has been interpreted by the courts to apply only to private sector. So an enormous exception to the “equal protection” clause of the 14th Amendment has been carved out. As strange as it seems, the kind of ugly discrimination that is flatly illegal when practiced by private companies and organizations is still permitted when done by the government itself – in employment, contracting, and admissions to taxpayer-financed schools!”

    If I’m to interpret this properly, I’m to believe that the MCRI would be firmly against discrimination. However, from what I’ve gathered from viewing their website, and their press releases, is that their concentration is apparently on ANY instances of “discrimination” that would affect white males specifically. Now, let it be proclaimed here and forever more that I don’t have a problem with advocacy groups with the sole purpose of peacefully promoting the welfare of white men in a non-hateful manner. I would wish however, that the MCRI would “man-up” and admit that this is their goal, and not play this “kumbaya kabuki dance” about “fairness and equality. I have YET to see the MCRI’s position on police racial profiling, housing discrimination, redlining, and this odious report about their own home state, regarding continuing ANTI-MINORITY racial discrimination and the need for the continuation of Affirmative Action.

    David Duke founded the National Association for the Advancement of White People. He has since passed leadership to other hands, but the mission statement is quite interesting.

    I would ask the members of the MCRI and it’s apparently growing fanclub on this blog to see if any of this sounds familiar…

    >>>NAAWP Mission Statement:

    The right to speak out is also the duty to speak out!

    To educate and inform white citizens regarding civil matters of law which seek to compromise White rights in favor of minority special interests.

    To provide for a common assembly of meeting and pooling of concerns for white people.

    To voice and represent the rights for white people to the various levels of government agencies within the United States primarily, but also the international community.

    Vision Statement:

    Achieve a credible and recognized standing within the U.S. judicial system, to represent white people [as a class] and others wronged by discriminatory practices and other actions.

    To bring about a white population knowledgeable of their rights as citizens and restore a sense of pride in their heritage.

    To foster a spirit of “togetherness”, and to enable white people to stand strong as one class of persons – to protect their rights and possessions.

    To promote an attitude of “Equal Rights for White People” with special favors for NO persons or race.

    Hmmmmmm…some food for thought for a Tuesday night.


  3. Michelle Dulak Thomson January 4, 2005 at 10:44 pm | | Reply


    Can you please tell me what/who counts as a “minority” for you?

  4. Claire January 5, 2005 at 3:33 pm | | Reply

    Although I find David Duke and his racism reprehensible, I have to admit that when you take his NAAWP’s goals (assuming they were quoted correctly by Cobra, an admitted anti-white racist), then you get something that sounds very much like the NAACP’s goals. Why is it allowed for one group to have such goals but not for another, based solely on levels of skin pigmentation?

  5. Cobra January 5, 2005 at 9:58 pm | | Reply

    Claire writes:

    >>>Although I find David Duke and his racism reprehensible, I have to admit that when you take his NAAWP’s goals (assuming they were quoted correctly by Cobra, an admitted anti-white racist), then you get something that sounds very much like the NAACP’s goals.”

    Umm…Claire, exactly when did I “admit” to being an “anti-white racist?” Just because I don’t curry favor, or subscribe to the status of inferiority that is offered by many posters to this blog doesn’t make me an “anti-white racist.”

    I’m simply a person who has the audacity to question America’s racial caste system and those who defend it’s existance as something desirable.


  6. Rico January 6, 2005 at 5:40 pm | | Reply

    America is a wonderful country. It’s been good to me and my family. People are banging down the doors to get into america. Even people from Africa and people of African descent from the Caribbean and Latin America.

    I can’t help but notice that there are more wealthy persons of african descent in the USA than in the entire rest of the world, as long as you don’t count tyrants like Mugabe, and others who use impoverished countries for their own private gravy trains.

    If you’re a black person you’d better hope to live in the US or another country nearly as free. In Spain they taunt blacks at football matches. In Russia they stare at blacks as if they were martians. In america a black person can grow to be an Oprah, or a Bill Cosby, Quincy Jones, Colin Powell, or Bob Johnson. If you don’t whine and feel sorry for yourself, like professional activists who want to paint a bleak portrait and keep it very bleak.

  7. notherbob2 January 6, 2005 at 6:59 pm | | Reply

    Cobra, the only posters I have noticed here that defend the existence of a racial caste system are you and actus.

  8. Jennifer Gratz January 6, 2005 at 9:10 pm | | Reply

    Just wanted to let everyone know that MCRI turned in signatures to the Secretary of State for certification today. We turned in a total of 5kl08,202 signatures. According to a spokesperson at the Secretary of State’s office, this is the most signatures every submitted for a constitutional ammendment in Michigan history.

  9. Jennifer Gratz January 6, 2005 at 9:21 pm | | Reply

    That should be 508,202 signatures.

  10. Cobra January 6, 2005 at 10:34 pm | | Reply

    I would like to take the time to honor the courageous members of the Citizens For a United Michigan, who have boldly stood up against the insidious homogenization crusade of Jennifer Gratz, Chetly Zarko, and Ward Connerly through their dubiously named “Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.”

    >>>Citizens For a United Michigan is one of the largest coalitions ever assembled in the state, with members including key business groups such as Detroit Renaissance and the Detroit Regional Chamber, labor groups around the state, religious organizations such as the Michigan Catholic Conference and the Council of Baptist Pastors, and civic organizations including AARP, the League of Women Voters, Michigan NAACP, ACLU of Michigan and many more.

    Polling by the group shows that when voters are informed that the Connerly amendment immediately eliminates all affirmative action programs it eliminates all programs that aim to increase opportunities for women and minorities in public education, state universities, state contracts and state employment, they oppose the proposal by a 54-35 margin.”

    Their mission statement stands as a beacon of hope for marginalized minorities and women of all ethnicities.

    >>>Mission Statement

    The mission of the Citizens for a United Michigan (CFUM) is to actively oppose the divisive effort led by out-of-state ideologues who seek to eliminate affirmative action programs in our state that help women and minorities obtain better jobs and education. CFUM strives to provide leadership, counsel and resources to aid in rejecting all anti-civil rights movements in Michigan that would adversely affect or reverse these programs designed to overcome discrimination.”

    Anyone wishing to support the CFUM should visit their website and help repell those who would seek to turn back the clock on women and minorities.


  11. Cobra January 6, 2005 at 10:37 pm | | Reply

    Rico writes:

    >>>If you’re a black person you’d better hope to live in the US or another country nearly as free. ”

    Are you implying that white Americans are doing me a “favor” by ALLOWING me to live here?

    Where do you get this stuff, people?


  12. notherbob2 January 7, 2005 at 12:34 pm | | Reply

    Ooops, Cobra, freudian slip. You meant to say

  13. Claire January 7, 2005 at 2:49 pm | | Reply

    Cobra wrote – I would like to take the time to honor the courageous members of the Citizens For a United Michigan, who have boldly stood up against the insidious homogenization crusade of Jennifer Gratz, Chetly Zarko, and Ward Connerly through their dubiously named “Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.”

    Yes, Cobra, let’s honor the ‘heroes’ who stood up against the principle of equal rights regardless of race, and instead praise them for their courageous stand in favor of discrimination against fellow Americans solely due to race.

    You appear to make no secret of the fact that you support this discrimination because you and ‘yours’ stand to benefit from it, as you clearly stated in a previous post.

    And up is down…

    Though you keep protesting over and over, Cobra, your own words continue to build a clearer picture that you believe discriminating against people with white skin is okay, whether those same people have done anything against you or against any other black person.

    I have a question for you, then: My great-grandfather, a traveling preacher, was nearly murdered by a black man who tried to steal his horse. Because of this actual violence committed against me and mine, do I now have the right to advocate killing all black men? This appears to be the same logic you are using to justify your position.

    Please answer the question, Cobra, as I really want to hear your honest reply. I am truly trying to understand how you can possibly continue to justify discrimination against anyone, no matter their skin color, while insisting that discrimination against you and your skin color is wrong. The more I struggle with your positions, the more I keep coming back to labelling you as a racist, and yet you are obviously intelligent and well-educated. I have noticed, however, that your postings have a common theme beyond the obvious ones of ‘blacks are institutionally discriminated against in this country’. That theme is ‘blacks only get things like material goods, success, or even constitutional rights if they ‘force’ whites to give them to blacks – as if whites somehow ‘own’ these things.

    I suspect that this view that blacks are somehow inherently on the outside looking in is part of the reason for your views. I guess Bill Cosby has it right – much of blacks’ problems are of their own making, and it starts with this kind of attitude.

    Let me let you in on a little secret, Cobra: whites don’t feel like they own these things, either. But one difference that exists pretty widely is that whites believe they can acquire these things by working hard for them, while blacks believe that they have to force whites to give them to blacks. Until these attitudes change in the black community, it won’t ever get any better. And blaming whites for the problems is a cop-out.

  14. Cobra January 7, 2005 at 6:52 pm | | Reply

    Claire writes:

    >>>I have a question for you, then: My great-grandfather, a traveling preacher, was nearly murdered by a black man who tried to steal his horse. Because of this actual violence committed against me and mine, do I now have the right to advocate killing all black men? This appears to be the same logic you are using to justify your position.”

    Exactly WHAT does that question have to do with my belief that America is STILL a racist discriminatory nation against minorities. Your anecdote doesn’t come close to a fair analogy.

    For example, if your “great grandfather”, (give me some license, as I don’t know your real age, :-))lived in the South at the time of his attack on the horse, there wasn’t much law enforcement at the time would do to prevent him from rounding up a vigilante style lynch mob. In fact, it’s a good bet the local sherrif would’ve joined in.

    That’s the history of America, Claire. I’m not making this stuff up. But it’s not even the point I’m making.

    I’m saying that America is still DISCRIMINATORY AGAINST MINORITIES RIGHT NOW. Study after study, report after report, thesis after thesis supports MY VIEWPOINT.

    At least I will give John Rosenberg credit. He has NEVER DENIED the continued existance of anti-minority discrimination (though he attempts to downplay how widespread and pernicious it is.) Our essential argument is that he doesn’t believe racial preference programs are a solution, and I think it is one of them.

    I’m not surprised at all that Jennifer Gratz, Chetly Zarko and that “professional” black conservative, Ward Connerly are actively out trying to turn back the clock to the days where white monopoly ruled unchallenged. There’s money to be made from these endeavors, as far right winged donors and think tank groups happily bankroll these ” monocromatic revolutionaries of re-oppression.”

    I don’t care what you call me, Claire. Trust me, I’ve been called worse. But I’m not going to sit by and watch African Americans be blitzed by these people without speaking truth to power.

    That is why I will support the Citizens for a United Michigan, as should every conscious minorities targetted at “the groud zero of the MCRI’s “white sale.”


  15. notherbob2 January 8, 2005 at 2:45 pm | | Reply

    Let me see if I can match your level of rhetoric: I trust that you must have been called much, much worse. You obviously don

  16. superdestroyer January 8, 2005 at 3:21 pm | | Reply


    I will believe that America is a racist country when I see the “No blacks allowed” signed at the museum, library, bookstore, of theater. The only places I see racist signs posted are on the black only universities, black only scholarships, black only internships, and black only government contracting set asides.

    If you will go down the National Archieves in Washington, DC and read the Brown V Board rulinging (the original) it says that schools cannot deny admission based on race. Yet, 50 years after the ruling, it is black american who argue that deny admission based upon race is not only legal and moral but that the government should increase in its use of disrimination.

  17. Cobra January 10, 2005 at 7:58 am | | Reply

    Superdestroyer writes:

    >>>The only places I see racist signs posted are on the black only universities,”

    What’s the name of THAT particular school, Super?

    Notherbob writes:

    >>>Like an electronic toy, when you are disturbed you begin to spin, flash lights and repeat your pre-recorded message loudly.”

    Well, hello…I post messages to weblogs. That’s nowhere NEAR the reaction of Jennifer Gratz, Chetly Zarko, Ward Connerly and their “white makes right” campaign.

    The policies they endorse (as well as you apparently) will be detrimental to African Americans like me. You want me to shut up, bow down, and support them.

    You live in a FANTASY WORLD if you think that’s going to ever happen. I’ll never sell out like Connerly, or Armstrong “$240,000 for No Child’s Behind Left” Williams. Even the QUEEN of black apologist bloggers, LaShawn Barber, turns her back on Williams.

    >>>Along comes Armstrong Williams, a black conservative commentator who was given a fat check by the Bush Administration to push the No Child Left Behind law on his television show and convince other black journalists to do the same. In his column and on his show, he failed to disclose these important facts.

    Reinforcing the black-conservatives-are-sellouts stereotype, Williams has just handed to liberals, on a plate made of pure gold served by a well-dressed butler in a most tastefully decorated setting, enough fodder to keep them gobbling for months to come. In the aftermath of John Kerry

Say What?