Lest We Take Ourselves Too Seriously

Demonstrating once again that no topic is off limits to humor, The Onion has some fun with Martin Luther King Day. (Thanks to reader Mike McKeown for bringing to my attention.)

Where else could one learn that in a Louisville McDonald’s “Blacks, Whites Put Differences Aside, Work Together To Make Better Burger,,” or that in Burbank “Racial Harmony Achieved By Casting Of Black Actor As Teen Computer Whiz.,” or that “In a historic triumph for Zambia’s African-African community, Bilikisu Adewale, a 49-year-old black man, was elected president Monday.”

Say What? (3)

  1. James January 13, 2005 at 2:30 pm | | Reply

    John states “Demonstrating once again that no topic is off limits to humor”

    The only problem with that assessment is that there really isn’t any humor. The piece isn’t offensive but it isn’t funny either.

  2. fenster January 13, 2005 at 3:25 pm | | Reply

    I dunno. I found it funny. What I liked was the fact that you could see the satire on a couple of different levels. On the one hand, yeah, it pokes some gentle fun at diversoid philosophy. But you could also argue it pokes gentle fun at the David Horowitz world view, which is that there’s no need to worry about equity from a policy point of view since Hayek has determined that capitalism will wring inequities out of the system automatically. So that’s what it’s all about: the desire for a better burger solves all of our problems. If only.

  3. Martin A. Knight January 17, 2005 at 12:27 pm | | Reply

    Few anthropological problems with the “Bilikisu Adewale” story. (1) Bilikisu is a woman’s name (Arabic origin). (2) Adewale is a Yoruba (i.e. found mostly in Nigeria, Benin and Togo) name. IOW, you would NEVER find a Zambian named Adewale.

    Other than that, I was amused.

Say What?