Did Kerry Get This Right?

As part of his latest effort to make Iraq the focus of his campaign, Sen. Kerry has been arguing that as a result of President Bush lying and misleading us into a misguided and mismanaged war “Iraq,” as Kerry put it in a major speech at Temple University last week, ” is now what it was not before the war — a haven for terrorists.”

So, as Kerry’s new mantra has it, whatever it was before being Bush-whacked, now and presumably for the foreseeable future Iraq is a terrorist threat.

Let us hope the American people agree with Kerry’s most recent analysis, for the latest Gallup Poll reveals that voters prefer Bush over Kerry as better able to deal with terrorism by 61% to 34%.

Kerry’s pushing his weakest point to the fore suggests that Dick Morris may be on to something when he argues that the Clintonistas now at the top of the Kerry campaign may really be working for Hillary in 2008.

UPDATE [9/30/04 9:40AM]

From Max Boot’s OpEd column in today’s Los Angeles Times:

Whether or not Iraq was central to the war on terrorism before the U.S.-led invasion

Say What? (6)

  1. Claire September 29, 2004 at 12:57 pm | | Reply

    Jeb Bush in ’08.

  2. mj September 29, 2004 at 1:46 pm | | Reply

    “Jeb Bush in ’08.”

    No chance.

    Bill Owens, or maybe Guiliani.

  3. John September 29, 2004 at 2:28 pm | | Reply

    Condi ’08!!

    Okay…not likely, but I can dream.

  4. Rob October 1, 2004 at 7:05 pm | | Reply

    So we should reward Bush for being the one to give Terrirosm an enormous boost? That’s bright!

  5. Laura October 2, 2004 at 8:40 am | | Reply

    What did President Bush do to promote terror in the first 8 months of his term?

  6. Cobra October 5, 2004 at 5:08 pm | | Reply


    He ignored it.


Say What?