Kerry: Opponents Of Affirmative Action Oppose Equality

In a speech commemorating black veterans, John Kerry said in a speech on Friday that there are still

people in this country who don’t understand. We still have people in this country who are willing to stand in the way. We still have some who call themselves leaders who appoint people to courts who challenge affirmative action and take on the ability of people to live truly equal.

He’s right. There are indeed people in this country (I’m one of them) “who don’t understand.” What we don’t understand is why our opposition to treating people differently because of their race means we oppose equality.

Say What? (2)

  1. Andrew P. Connors May 29, 2004 at 12:03 pm | | Reply

    Yeah, it’s unfortunate so many people “don’t get it.”

    Like Senator John Kerry, who in 1992 stated that Affirmative Action has “kept America thinking in racial terms” and helped promote a “culture of dependency.”

    Read more at:

  2. La Shawn Barber May 30, 2004 at 11:56 am | | Reply

    The victimhood/you-owe-me way of thinking is so entrenched in the black community, it’ll take a radical paradigm shift to change it. I’m trying, one column and one blog entry at a time.

Say What?