Inquiring Minds (As Opposed To Journalists) Want To Know…

John Bunzel, former president of San Jose State, former member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rigths, and current senior researcher at the Hoover Institution, echoes some observations made here and then goes on to ask some good questions.

Both Bush and Kerry have repeatedly stated they oppose quotas (does anyone favor them?). It’s an easy and safe position to take because it avoids confronting the controversial and politically sensitive questions involving racial preferences….

When put to them that way, most Americans are in favor of affirmative action. But polls have consistently showed that they draw the line at race- specific preferential treatment — and that is the core issue on which Bush and Kerry should be pressed to state their views. They need to state unequivocally how they feel about set-aside and preference programs. Do they believe race and gender should be used in deciding who gets government contracts and who does not?

On college admissions: Do they believe that qualified black and Hispanic students should be given a “preferential edge”? Should a person’s race be taken into account or not?

On related campus questions: Do they support or oppose colleges having race-based living quarters? What about separate graduation ceremonies for students of some ethnic and racial groups? Should scholarships now offered exclusively to African American or other minority students be made available to all students?

Perhaps one of the reasons the candidates aren’t answering these questions is that no one (Reporters, I mean you!) is asking them.

Say What? (1)

  1. Chetly Zarko April 22, 2004 at 3:53 pm | | Reply

    I don’t know if Kerry has used the quota word, but he has said he favor set-asides forever.

Say What?