Race, Guns, And Diversity

Here is another story about the decline of minority applications (at Ohio State) in the wake of the abandonment of racial bonus points.

Mabel Freeman, an admissions officer at Ohio State, explained that in lieu of the abandoned racial bonus points the “application instead contains four essay questions, designed to give officials a better idea of the cultural diversity each applicant might bring.” Students “with weaker academic backgrounds,” she explained, “often see complex applications as stumbling blocks.”

I don’t know which is sadder: if great numbers of minority applicants actually needed the racial bonus points to be admitted, or if they mistakenly thought they did.

Another thought occurs. Readers here are more than familiar with the criticism that “diversity” as practiced, is a pretextual synonym for “black,” that “diversity” programs, despite all the talk about “cultural diversity,” aren’t really interested in a real diversity of cultures, opinions, outlooks, etc.

In this regard, consider a comment from Sen. Kerry yesterday when he was attempting to reassure House Democrats from the South that he would not hurt them in their districts.

“I understand the culture of guns,” Kerry said, noting that he is a hunter and former prosecutor, according to a participant who took notes.

Now, put aside the fact that some Southerners may be offended that Kerry identifies the South with “the culture of guns” (much as Howard Dean did with Confederate decals on pickup trucks), and that others may think him an impostor for believing that his photo-op pheasant hunts proves he’s a communicant in the gun culture. If there is a “gun culture,” would not some of its products add to “diversity” on many campuses?

Say What? (4)

  1. Laura March 13, 2004 at 6:39 pm | | Reply

    “Mac Stewart, vice provost for minority affairs at OSU, said officials expected that “chilling effect” among black and white applicants. Michigan and University of Massachusetts have reported similar dramatic drops in applicants since they also shifted from points-systems to essay questions.”

    Well, if it’s a problem, then shift back to a points system and drop the points for race. It’s a no-brainer.

  2. aaron March 14, 2004 at 6:05 pm | | Reply


  3. Claire March 16, 2004 at 2:18 pm | | Reply

    Typical example of the deficit of critical thinking skills from the feel-good left – they change two things, then ascribe differences to only one, the one they emotionally prefer.

    My stomach is still heaving.

  4. The Bitch Girls March 19, 2004 at 7:13 am | | Reply

    Diversity & Guns

    Discriminations has post tying these two topics together.

Say What?