More Confusion Over Confusion

As I pointed our here recently, it is the preferentialists in Michigan, not their opponents, who are confused. Another typical example of this pro-preferences party line is the following comment from Dave Waymire, a spokesman for the pro-preferences umbrella group, Citizens for a United Michigan:

What we also want to do is educate the public so they realize what they are signing. They hear the words ‘civil rights’ and think they are signing something for affirmative action.

This accusation has become something of a mantra for the pro-preferences forces, but I’ve yet to see any evidence that it’s true. The real distortion began years ago when, under the warm and fuzzy sounding label of “affiramtive action,” racial preferences were introduced by courts or executive agencies without ever going to the public for support.

The public thus never made the mistake now attributed to it by its ostensible leaders of confusing affirmative action with civil rights.

Say What?