“Diversity” And Individualism

Daily Californian guest columnist Dalia Alcázar says in her bio that she “plans to rule the world someday.” Based on this column, she may well succeed.

Say What? (3)

  1. KRM March 12, 2004 at 7:49 pm | | Reply

    If her attitude were more prevelant, we’d have a chance that AA could be sunseted at some point in the future.

  2. Chetly Zarko March 12, 2004 at 10:41 pm | | Reply

    I make it a habit to write a short, positive note to everyone who writes such a piece, if I have time. I had time, and sent her a note complimenting her for the article. Hopefully she receives a few others.

  3. Zach March 13, 2004 at 11:33 am | | Reply

    That’s probably a good idea, Chetly… I’m sure she got many more emails accusing her of being a sellout and “working for the man” because of her views…

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